How to get Instagram followers

Everyone’s favorite photo-sharing app, Instagram boasts over 800 million monthly active users worldwide. Of course, this means a huge portion of your prospects are hanging out on the platform, ready to be marketed to! The hitch? There are over 8 million business profiles currently active on Instagram as well. In this right, it’s become increasingly important to not only have a presence on…

In-house vs agency marketing: Which one is best for you?

During a certain period in a business’s life, the inevitable question will pop-up: in-house or agency marketing? First of all, there is no right or wrong. The answer depends on a variety of factors directly related to your business, and where you’re looking to take it in the future. Let’s break it down: in-house marketing involves people paid by your company, who work exclusively for your…

How to create landing pages that convert

It’s happened to every marketer. After spending months crafting the perfect marketing campaign, the traction you were hoping for isn’t there. In a post-mortem, you notice a disastrous conversion rate. The truth is, your landing page wasn’t up to par-- or not existent at all. This is a mistake that beginners learn to overcome really quickly. Optimizing landing pages is critical to boost your…

10 ways to boost traffic and sales with Twitter

Used by world leaders and regular citizens alike, Twitter is a social media platform that has undeniably transformed the way that humans interact. While this may seem hyperbolic, Twitter has created a language - initially in 140 characters or less - that has defined digital, person-to-person interactions more so than any other platform that came before. The brainchild of programmers Jack…

Facebook’s data scandal, and what it means for your business

The largest data privacy scandal in history is unraveling at a dramatic rate. Dubbed Facebook’s “collapse” of public trust, the double revelation that Cambridge Analytica, ostensibly a voter-profiling company, collected the data of 50 million Facebook accounts without user permission, and that thousands of third-party developers built apps on Facebook’s platform to gather private…

10 effective ways to generate leads using YouTube

While YouTube is a fun way to scour for the internet’s most viral videos, it’s also a powerful way to disseminate your brand’s message. With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, the platform’s reach is second only to Facebook. In regards to video, however, YouTube is still the reigning king of content. While its business-oriented functions are less clear-cut than say, LinkedIn, YouTube has…

18 effective ways to grow your business with Facebook

With over 2.13 billion active monthly users worldwide, Facebook remains the most popular social media platform year after year. And while the beginning of 2018 has seen the network’s trust put into question amid a large-scale data breach, projections still see Facebook’s user base increasing well into 2019. In short, Facebook remains an unbeatable force in the digital (and social) sphere.…

How to write effective meta descriptions

Meta descriptions are an incredibly important (and often overlooked) element of the digital ecosystem. A short paragraph of text that summarizes a page’s content, the meta description plays a vital role in getting searchers to click on your page, rather than your competitors’. Not only does the description serve as a “sneak peek” into the page’s content, but search engines will highlight the…

Are you ready for voice technology?

When it comes to human speech, the average person can speak 150 words per minute, versus typing just 40 words in the same amount of time. This demonstrates a huge discrepancy between the way humans interact, and the technology used to communicate. Luckily, in the last 5 years, many companies have been quick to bridge that gap. Voice, as an interface, is reshaping the way we think about the…

Augmented reality and how it can benefit your business

While flying cars and rocket boots are still in the works, augmented reality is an existing technology taking us one step further into the future. Much like its relative virtual reality (VR), which moves you completely into a simulated world most notably by the use of goggles, augmented reality (AR) is a technology that overlays virtual elements into a physical environment, enabling a…