How to create landing pages that convert

It’s happened to every marketer. After spending months crafting the perfect marketing campaign, the traction you were hoping for isn’t there. In a post-mortem, you notice a disastrous conversion rate. The truth is, your landing page wasn’t up to par-- or not existent at all. This is a mistake that beginners learn to overcome really quickly. Optimizing landing pages is critical to boost your…

10 effective ways to generate leads using YouTube

While YouTube is a fun way to scour for the internet’s most viral videos, it’s also a powerful way to disseminate your brand’s message. With over 1.5 billion monthly active users, the platform’s reach is second only to Facebook. In regards to video, however, YouTube is still the reigning king of content. While its business-oriented functions are less clear-cut than say, LinkedIn, YouTube has…

12 tips to generate leads and drive sales for B2B

B2B lead generation is one of the most intricate tasks that face any marketing professional. With leads serving as the foundation on which sales and marketing are built upon, lead generation is a high-stakes, high-competition game. While most marketers have their own specific rhyme and reason for developing and cultivating leads, the shifting landscape may send some of those old tricks into…

Triggered emails: How to enhance your relationship with customers

Triggered emails are messages that are automatically sent to your users based on certain interactions they have with your business, product or service; this can include a variety of different user actions. The trick is to identify these actions and determine the most relevant messaging that feels natural yet interesting to the receiver. Fundamentally, a triggered email is inherently…

9 tips for optimizing your video marketing content

Chances are, that if you’ve had an online presence at all in the past year, you’ve come across a great deal of videos from a variety of different brands and individuals alike. This is not by any coincidence. The number of internet users watching videos daily is on the rise and is taking up an increasing portion of all of the media shared online. It is predicted that videos will make up a…

A/B testing best practices: Don’t make these mistakes

A/B testing is an incredibly useful method for testing your marketing assumptions. A/B tests aim to bring some objectivity to what was once a largely creative domain. Controlled experiments, in which test subjects are split into two variations in order to compare results to prove or disprove a hypothesis are common in many scientific fields. A/B testing is a powerful tool for CRO (conversion…

How to build a successful, effective landing page

It’s happened to every marketer. After spending months crafting the perfect marketing campaign, the traction you were hoping for isn’t there. In a post-mortem, you notice a disastrous conversion rate. The truth is, your landing page wasn’t up to par-- or not existent at all. This is a mistake that beginners learn to overcome really quickly. Without a powerful landing page, it doesn’t matter…

Why no marketing campaign is complete without a landing page

Marketers from all walks of life understand that getting visitors to your website is half the battle, the next focus should be turning them into leads. The variety of strategies for lead generation and conversion are diverse, but today, we’ll delve into exactly why landing pages are vital to any successful campaign. To learn more about the elements that go into a strong landing page, click…

10 features you must have in your marketing automation platform

There is no doubt that marketing agencies have the skillset and expertise to do high level work, manage a multitude of platforms and campaigns, as well as the small tasks like data entry. But a crucial part of running a successful agency is knowing when it is best to leave complicated and repetitive tasks to a software that is tailored for just that. In the end, it is more feasible and…

How to nurture leads and optimize your sales funnel with automation workflows

The Customer Journey have become major buzz words in marketing today. According to a report from Forrester, 63% of marketers currently use some sort of journey mapping, and this trend is expected to continue. Due to growing demand, there are many marketing technology tools that can help you create customer journey maps. Before you begin researching which tools are right for you, it is…