Entrepreneurs use email to communicate with their audience. However, not every email written by an entrepreneur is a persuasive email. So, what exactly is a persuasive email? It’s one that successfully convinces its audience by using concise, attention-grabbing language to influence the reader and create a strong call to action (CTA).

Persuasive emails offer many advantages over ordinary emails, such as fostering better relationships with customers, partners, and prospects. While an ordinary email may sometimes be overlooked or end up in the spam folder, a well-crafted persuasive email is more likely to capture attention and prompt a response. Every technology-literate person can write an ordinary email, but how can that be transformed into a persuasive email?

Here is a detailed guide to converting an ordinary email into a persuasive one. Let’s discuss it in detail:

1. Detailed Guide for Writing a Persuasive Email

Selecting an appropriate template for your email is crucial to ensure it includes all necessary elements and flows seamlessly. A modern template offers many benefits, such as helping you cover all essential details, providing a clear structure, and maintaining a consistent design. It can also prevent gaps in your message that might cause your recipient to lose interest or unsubscribe.

A good email marketing template typically includes:

  • Subject line
  • Salutation (Personalized Greeting)
  • Introduction
  • Body (Main message, relevant details, and call to action)
  • Closing
  • Signature Block
  • Attachment or Links
  • Postscript (Additional info or reminder)
  • Unsubscribe Option
  • Visual Elements (Branding)

However, not every email needs a visually rich template. In some cases, a plain text email or a simple design can be just as persuasive, especially if the content is personal or straightforward. The key is to focus on clear communication and strong messaging, regardless of the format. Even with a plain text email, you can still follow the basic structure outlined above and make it highly effective by carefully crafting your words and ensuring the content speaks directly to your audience’s needs.

So, whether you choose a modern template or a plain text format, the goal remains the same: to write an email that resonates with your audience and drives them to take action.

2. Write a Rough Draft

When you start writing, you already know what the topic of discussion is. So, don’t bother about choosing the right words, just keep writing. But you must follow the right direction in writing an attention-grabbing email.

Identify Your Target Audience

First of all, you have to identify your target audience whom you want to sell your products or services to. Once you have a clear idea, you can research their needs and mention them in your email to make it more engaging. Understanding your audience allows you to tailor your message, highlighting the specific benefits and solutions that resonate with them. By speaking directly to their pain points and desires, you increase the chances of capturing their interest and prompting a positive response.

Address the Need

A good draft needs to include some important elements, such as relevance, addressing the needs of the reader, and consist of a clear and concise message. It is crucial to make the person realize that the message is really in their favor. When a reader feels that the message is relevant to their needs, they surely read it completely and may react favorably.

Here’s a use case:

Imagine you’re an entrepreneur offering a project management tool designed for small business owners. You’ve identified that many of your target audience struggle with time management and often feel overwhelmed by performing multiple tasks. In your email, instead of just listing the features of your tool, you directly address this pain point:

“As a small business owner, you likely face the daily challenge of managing multiple projects while keeping track of deadlines. Our project management tool was designed with you in mind, helping you streamline your tasks, prioritize effectively, and save hours each week—giving you more time to focus on growing your business.”

By addressing a specific need—time management—and clearly showing how your product can solve that problem, you make the email far more compelling and relevant to the reader.

Add Testimonials

Incorporate testimonials and case studies from previous clients who faced similar challenges. Highlight how your services or products helped them overcome these obstacles. These testimonials serve as real-world proof of your success, showing potential customers that others have benefited from your offerings. By including specific results or positive outcomes, you further reinforce your credibility and demonstrate that your solution is both effective and reliable. This approach builds trust and convinces your audience that your product or service is the right choice for their needs.

Use a Call to Action (CTA)

A perfect email is one that compels the reader to take action. To achieve this, your email must include a compelling call to action. It should have a personalized touch to resonate with the reader’s interests and clearly state what you want them to do next. The language should be action-oriented and specific. For example, phrases like “Start your free trial today” are effective when you want to encourage immediate action. However, in some contexts, such as when directing readers to a blog post or additional information, a softer approach like “Learn more” might be more appropriate. The key is to match your CTA with the desired outcome and the stage of the customer journey.

Highlight the Benefits

Highlight the benefits and value of your product or service. Instead of just stating the features of the product, include the benefits of the product to the user. For example, instead of just saying “Our software offers a user-friendly interface,” say “Our software’s user-friendly interface will save you time and reduce your learning curve, allowing you to focus on more important tasks.”

Quantify the Benefits

Readers are more attracted to numbers than words. Therefore, a good practice is to quantify the benefits, such as “Our solution can reduce your operational costs by up to 20% within the first 6 months.” Include the reviews of the real customers to add credibility. And create a sense of urgency by saying “Just 5 items left”, or “Sign up today and get a 15% discount, available only for the next 48 hours.”

Review the Draft

When you’re done with writing the rough draft, proofread it yourself to eliminate any irrelevant information. Also, exclude the details that are not reader-specific. After proofreading, now it’s time to do magic.

3. Make the Writing Persuasive

Creating a persuasive email requires precise and impactful language, which can be challenging, especially if you feel limited by your current vocabulary. However, expanding your vocabulary or refining your writing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. While traditional methods like using a dictionary can be time-consuming, modern technology offers faster and more efficient solutions. One of the easiest ways to enhance your language and make your writing more persuasive is by using an AI-powered paraphrasing tool.

There are many tools available online. We will use Editpad which offers paraphrasing using AI. This is one of the tools that appear on top of the search engine results page (SERP). You can pick any tool for paraphrasing as every tool uses the same method. Here’s how the interface of the Editpad looks like.

We will give it a random paragraph to paraphrase and see how it paraphrases it.

Here’s the result, it is obvious that the tool changes a lot of words which adds clarity to the paragraph. It also makes the paragraph look like it was written by a professional.

4. Proofread the Content

The email should have all the content ready up to this point. Now, it’s time to make it mistakes-free to ensure the message is professional, clear, and effective, leaving a positive impression on the recipient. So, proofreading is essential to ensure that the content of your email is error-free

While AI tools like Grammarly are helpful for catching basic grammar and spelling mistakes, they can sometimes miss nuances in tone, context, and style. That’s why it’s crucial to combine these tools with your own careful review or a second set of human eyes. This ensures that your message is not only technically correct but also communicates the intended meaning effectively. After a thorough proofreading process, your email will be ready to make a strong impact.

Final Words

Transforming an ordinary email into a persuasive one is easier than you might think. By selecting a modern template, filling it with relevant and compelling content, and enhancing it with the help of an AI tool, you can create an email that truly resonates with your audience. But don’t stop there—proofreading with a keen eye ensures your message is polished and professional, ready to inspire action.

Now that you have the tools and strategies to write persuasive emails, why not put them into practice? Start crafting your next email campaign today and see the difference a well-written, persuasive email can make in building stronger relationships and driving results.

About the Author

Linney Rosie is a seasoned writer and editor with 5 years of experience specializing in SEO web content. With a strong background in crafting compelling, keyword-optimized content, Linney has helped numerous brands enhance their online presence and engage their target audiences. Adept at blending creativity with strategy, Linney Rosie is passionate about delivering content that not only ranks well but also resonates with readers. Whether it’s blog posts, articles, or web copy, Linney brings a keen editorial eye and a deep understanding of SEO principles to every project.