In order to improve the credit financial wellness of your leads, organize a webinar to which you invite all your contacts having the tag “Bad or Low Credit Score” and/or targeting prospective leads with financial problems to join through a landing page.
In this webinar, you can discuss with them live, about the best practices to enhance bad credit i.e (set up automatic online payments, focus on paying the highest interest debt, keep unused credit cards open and not to open new accounts that they do not need, etc…)
To build the automation, you can send a confirmation email once people sign up for your webinar landing page form, specifying the details of the webinar and a reminder of what they will learn. Then, you should send reminders one or two days ahead and a final reminder on the same day, emphasizing on the importance of joining and what would they miss if they do not attend.
For contacts already in your database and having the tag “Low Credit Score”, you can also create a “Custom Event”, specifying that tag to send them a webinar invite.
** Note: When you wish to send the event recording, you can create another automation and choose trigger “Specific Date” that includes the list of new registrants as well as previous contacts having the bad credit score tag and send the email which consists of your webinar recording and slides.
Your automation will not work properly if you do not clearly set up all the required conditions.